Proposed Transportation Planning tasks
Farmington Road Concept Plan
- Develop a plan for Farmington Road, between 198th Avenue and Kinnaman Road, (ODOT jurisdiction), including work to transfer jurisdiction to Washington County.
Transportation Safety Action Plan (TSAP)
- Update the County’s TSAP to focus on strategies to address safety issues in coordination with city and regional partners in Washington County.
Minor Transportation System Plan updates
- Implement outcomes from the Urban Reserves Transportation and Cooper Mountain Transportation studies and the Council Creek Regional Trail project.
Countywide Transit Planning, Implementation
- Update Transit Development Plan for providing rural transit connections and shuttles between the urban and rural areas (Required for administration of Statewide Transit Improvement Funds)
- Continue Countywide Transit Study (partnership with TriMet, Metro, ODOT and cities) to identify transit options that improve accessibility, expand economic opportunities and improve livability.
Trails Planning and Coordination
- Continue planning and implementation efforts for the Council Creek Regional Trail, Salmonberry Trail, Tualatin Valley Trail and other trails.